Saturday, July 21, 2012

Magnolia Memories ~ I want Yours

When I went away to school in Boston (Boston University) for four years, one of the things that I missed the most  and appreciated more about my beloved Mississippi and the South was our unbelievable weather. I could not believe how cold it was already getting in September, just after the start of school.
I started wearing all of my heavy clothing almost right away.
Everyone told me that I was going to freeze to death when it got "REALLY" cold. Really Cold???!!!  It was already really cold to me !  I wondered exactly what they meant by that . I soon found out !!!  It was not pretty !!!

The type of cold that I learned about,living off of the Charles river, with  that bone chilling wind blowing in the winter is indescribable  to/for a southerner.  On top of that , people still kept going when there was unbelievable amounts of snow on the ground .  With just the  FORECAST of snow in the south , they are immediately  making plans for closing the schools ! LOL!!

I spent the summer in Boston,one year, and woke up on a bright July morning with the temperature at about 50 or 55 (dead winter temperature for  Mississippi) I knew then that this was not the place for me.
Yes, I endured the four years of cold and proudly graduated from Boston University , but was headed home to more "humane" conditions as quickly as you could say Mason Dixon Line !

                                                TOO COLD FOR COMFORT

When I went off to school in Boston,
I realized why Southerners have a slower pace;
When the weather’s not so frigid out,
There is no need to race.
When the weather’s nice and toasty,
You can take time to slowly walk;
When you don’t feel you’ll freeze to death,
With your friends, you can casually talk.
Northerners don’t really know what it is,
To take a leisurely stroll;
They’re always rushing here or there,
‘Cause the weather’s just too cold.

Reflections of a Mississippi Magnolia 
©2008 Patricia Neely-Dorsey
