Thursday, July 5, 2012

~ MISS NORTHSIDE ~ by Patricia Neely-Dorsey

 The Miss Northside Pageant was a
"MUST SEE" event in the Northside /Park Hill Community
for over 20 years.
It was held during 4th of July week from the 60's to
the mid/late 80's.      Then...gone.

I'm excited to say, this year...SHE'S BACK !!!!


Our neighborhood beauty pageant
In the summertime

Was quite an event to see

In my 10th grade year, I decided,

The Miss Northside crown

Was waiting just for me
I bought a stunning bathing suit

And did my stomach crunches

Advice from everywhere on how to win

Came to me in bunches.

In my high heels, around the house,

I practiced my stallion walk;

And considering the question and answer period;

I practiced how I’d talk.

For my talent, I did a ballet dance,

And I must say very well;

In my eyesight, compared to me,

The competition paled.

Our big night finally came,

And we strolled around the pool;

The (Neighbor) Hood - Back in the Day

The lights were bright

And the crowd was wild

But, I remained absolutely cool.

As it turned out,

I didn’t get that winning Miss Northside cup

But, I considered it just as well,

I got 2nd runner up.

2012 Patricia Neely-Dorsey

from My Magnolia Memories and Musings - In Poems

*1980 Miss Northside — Misty Douglas
1st Runner Up — Carla Floyd
2nd Runner Up — Patricia Neely
