
Friday, November 1, 2013


There are so many wonderful southern authors! The South is known for great writers. Eudora Welty, a renowned Mississippi writer, once said that there are so many great writers in the south because they never have to make anything up ! I agree ! (smile) One of Mississippi's own, William Faulkner, received the Noble Prize for Literature. One of the all time favorite, classic southern reads is To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee.   And, who doesn't love John Grisham novels?
People come from all over the world to visit Faulkner's home, outside of Oxford, Mississippi and Lee's hometown of Monroeville, Alabama.

DID YOU KNOW... November 1st has been designated as National Author's Day.?

The idea of setting aside a day to celebrate American authors came from Nellie Verne Burt McPherson, president of the Bement (Illinois) Women's Club in 1928. McPherson was a teacher and an avid reader throughout her life. During World War I, when she was recuperating in a hospital, she wrote a fan letter to fiction writer Irving Bacheller, telling him how much she had enjoyed his story, "Eben Holden's Last Day A'Fishin." Bacheller sent her an autographed copy of another story, and McPherson realized that she could never adequately thank him for his gift.  Instead, she showed her appreciation by submitting an idea for a National Author's Day to the General Federation of Women's Clubs, which passed a resolution setting aside November 1 as a day to honor American writers.  In 1949 the day was recognized by the U.S. Department of Commerce.  Sue Cole, McPherson's granddaughter, was largely responsible for promoting the observation of National Author's Day after her grandmother's death in 1968.  She has urged people to write a note to their favorite author on this day to "brighten up the sometimes lonely business of being a writer." 

Some other ideas of ways to celebrate National Author's Day might include:

Supporting a favorite author by purchasing his /her book(s)
Sharing a favorite book with a friend
Advertising/Introducing a favorite author 's books to friends and family
Giving a copy of a favorite author's book as a gift to a friend
It does not matter if your favorite author is famous or not .
It is simply a time set aside to appreciate their works and contributions...and his/her effect on your life.

So...Who are some of your favorite authors?
Although, it is hard to pick just one out of so many great authors, most of us can easily come up with at least two or three authors that we really love.
I hope that I make the list for at least a few of you ! (smile) Share the love !