
Monday, August 26, 2013


August 28th 2013 marks the 50th Anniversary of the historic March On Washington (for Jobs and Freedom ) (August 28, 1963).
During this event Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. made his famous I Have a Dream Speech.  The march was attended by over 250,000 people.   At that time, it was the largest demonstration ever in the nation's capital, and one of the first to have extensive television coverage.
1963 was noted for racial unrest and civil rights demonstrations. Nationwide outrage was sparked by media coverage of police actions in Birmingham, Alabama, where attack dogs and fire hoses were turned against protestors. Martin Luther King, Jr., was arrested and jailed during these protests, writing his famous "Letter From Birmingham City Jail," which advocates civil disobedience against unjust laws. Dozens of additional demonstrations took place across the country.  The March on Washington represented a coalition of several civil rights organizations.  The stated demands of the march were the passage of meaningful civil rights legislation; the elimination of racial segregation in public schools; protection for demonstrators against police brutality; a major public-works program to provide jobs; the passage of a law prohibiting racial discrimination in public and private hiring; a $2 an hour minimum wage; and self-government for the District of Columbia, which had a black majority.

President Kennedy originally discouraged the march, for fear that it might make the legislature vote against civil rights laws in reaction to a perceived threat. Once it became clear that the march would go on, however, he supported it. 

On June 22, 1963,  just two months before the scheduled march, President John F. Kennedy met with civil rights leaders at the White House and expressed deep reservations about a mass rally in the nation’s capital. He told them he needed their help in getting his civil rights legislation passed, saying “we want success in the Congress, not a big show on the Capitol." 

The event at the Lincoln Memorial included musical performances by Marian Anderson; Joan Baez; Bob Dylan; Mahalia Jackson; Peter, Paul, and Mary; and Josh White. Charlton Heston—representing a contingent of artists, including Harry Belafonte, Marlon Brando, Diahann Carroll, Ossie Davis, Sammy Davis Jr., Lena Horne, Paul Newman, and Sidney Poitier—read a speech by James Baldwin. The only female speaker was Josephine Baker. 

Dr. King's speech remains one of the most famous speeches in American history. He started with prepared remarks, saying he was there to "cash a check" for "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness," while warning fellow protesters not to "allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again, we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force." But then he departed from his script, shifting into the "I have a dream" theme he'd used on prior occasions, drawing on both "the American dream" and religious themes. speaking of an America where his children would "not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." 
I have a teenage son . As the mother of this son growing up in Mississippi...
growing up in America , I too have a dream .... that ONE DAY....

Monday, August 19, 2013


Yesterday, August eighteenth was National Bad Poetry Day ! I'll bet you didn't even know there was such a thing ! According to the creators, Bad Poetry Day was established as a sort of retaliation or rebellion ! They state: After all the “good” poetry you were forced to study in school, here’s a chance for a pay back. Invite some friends over, compose some really rotten verse, and send it to your old high school teacher. Others suggest that it might be a chance to appreciate good poetry more, by reading and/ or creating some bad.

Whatever the case, I do hope that when a reader runs across some PND poems the word bad will never come to mind !
I think that my poems can be enjoyed by all. 

I believe that poetry should be assessable, readable, and enjoyable for all ages. My poems, definitely, fit that description.
With simple language and relatable themes, they can be read ,enjoyed and understood by readers of all ages 8 to 80 (and beyond).  There is definitely something in them for everyone. Readers will laugh out loud at times, shake their heads in recognition and maybe even shed a crocodile tear or two. Whatever the case, I believe the poems will resonate in the deep recesses of the heart.  

My poems are a true celebration of the south and things southern. Using childhood memories, personal thoughts and dreams, I attempt to give a positive glimpse into the southern way of life. There are so many negative connotations associated with Mississippi and the south in general. I want to show a flip side of the coin. There is much to love about this much maligned and misunderstood part of our country. I would really love for readers to get to KNOW Mississippi (and the south) in a different light . I invite you to Meet Mississippi ( and the South) Through Poetry, Prose and the written word.  
Using poetic storytelling, I hope to, not only, entertain, but also, educate and enlighten, while helping to preserve the beautiful, rich southern culture, history and heritage that I know, along with promoting and fostering an appreciation and understanding of the importance of cultural diversity, individuality, self expression and regional pride.

One reader proclaimed : 

Steve Kizer- Sevierville, Tennessee


Monday, August 12, 2013


Each August, Elvis fans from around the world gather in Memphis for a celebration of the music, movies and legacy of Elvis Presley and mark his death, August 16, 1977. Elvis Week includes events such as the Elvis Fan Club Presidents Event, Elvis Insiders Event and Ultimate Elvis Tribute Artist Contest, plus special concerts, panel discussions, dances and more. 
The main event of Elvis Week each year is the Candlelight Vigil which always begins on the evening of August 15 and lasts into the morning of August 16. Fans walk up the driveway to Meditation Garden holding a candle in quiet remembrance of Elvis. Tens of thousands of participants gather on Elvis Presley Blvd. during the evening to listen to music, remember Elvis and enjoy memorials created by fans along the street.

After graduating from Boston University , I lived and worked in Tupelo for a few years before moving to Memphis in 1988.

My first apartment was on Winchester Road and less than a mile from Elvis Presley Boulevard and Graceland.

Several of my favorite stores and the church which I attended were on Elvis Presley Boulevard. But , during the night of the Candlelight Vigil, I would always take the long way around and travel on Shelby Drive or another street well past Graceland to get where I wanted or needed to go.

Living in Memphis for many years and in the Whitehaven area for the first several years,I knew ,as well as all of the locals not to even try to get ANYWHERE on the evening of August 15, traveling on Elvis Presley Boulevard between Winchester Road and Holmes Road.

It just was not worth the effort to try to tediously navigate through the throngs


Though the main event of Elvis week for most fans is the Candlelight Vigil in Memphis, many Elvis fans and visitors start their celebration of Elvis Week in Tupelo.

You can find these poems and more in my books .....

Reflections of a Mississippi Magnolia -A Life In Poems
My Magnolia Memories and Musings -In Poems



Tuesday, August 6, 2013


It's official ! I can now add the title of songwriter to my resume !

I am very excited ! Several months ago I was contacted by a musician /songwriter about using some of my words in a be developed my him and his partner ! Well, now I can officially put SONGWRITER on my resume ! The song is done...well at least the words ! I am sure you will recognize some of the words from my "Southern Life '' poem. I can hardly wait to hear the finished version. with music. Here is the e-mail I received this week. Hi Patricia, I hope this email finds you doing well. It's been a hectic few months for us. We haven't forgotten about you and our Mississippi Magic song. We've come up with a contemporary, pretty melody and it sings pretty well. Cant wait to share the final product with you. Hope we make you proud! 

Here are the lyrics below:

by Patricia Neely-Dorsey, Don Quinn, & Ron Ryan


I've got river black mud coursing through my veins

Straight from the Mississippi

A soul stitched in Rock and Roll

and a heart full of Dixie

It's the laid back country soul in me

I take it day by day

I'm built for Southern hospitality

I wouldn't have it any other way

I need some..


Mississippi Magic

in the sweet molasses breeze

God, My Country and Family

that's what it means to me

Mockingbirds and bumblebees, Magnolia blossoms and dogwood trees

it's ice cold tea that tastes so sweet

and cool green grass beneath your feet

It's what I love, and the only way I'll have it

I want that Mississippi Magic


It's rockin' chairs and front porch swings

hot cornbread, and turnip greens

Coleslaw and barbecue

Watermelons on the vine for me and you

It's fallin in love at the County Fair

It's inside me, it's in the air

It's who I am, through and through

It won't take long til gets to you, it's everywhere..


It's the laid back country soul in me

I take it day by day



I love it !

I surely hope that a lot of other people do to !

Let the good times...and royalties roll !!! LOL!!!

I am so grateful that the songwriting duo of Quinn Ryan decided to include me in this project.

Their website is :


Check them out !

Info from the website :


Don Quinn, a Mississippi songwriter, and Ron Ryan, a south Florida writer, have joined forces - Two dreams, one vision with a razor sharp focus.

The songwriting duo is hard at work building the QRM catalog with several completed songs and many more currently in the studio.

Their impressive catalog of mostly country music has now grown to over 30 songs. Their music has captured the attention of Nashville A-List music insiders.

They've teamed up and created Quinn Ryan Music to showcase their songwriting talents as they relentlessly pursue their dream - to one day hear their songs being played on the radio by a major artist.

Here's my original poem :

The poem " Southern Life" can be found in both of my books of poems :


....... ~*~ UPDATE ~*~ .......
 August 27, 2013

To hear the song go
to this link.....


Monday, August 5, 2013

IN MISSISSIPPI ....Catfish Is King !

August is National Catfish Month 

Congress declared August National Catfish Month in the late 80s to recognize the contributions that the United States catfish industry makes in the economy.
Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi produce the majority of the nation's catfish

Mississippi catfish production accounts for more than 50 percent of all of the 
farm-raised catfish in the U.S.

Farm raised catfish are produced in controlled spring-fed ponds, and fed the best grade of feed - that's what gives them their consistently mild, sweet flavor and tender white texture.

Mississippi State University was the first institution to conduct research on the nutritional requirements of catfish. University researchers determined the correct protein, carbohydrate, energy, vitamin, and amino acid requirements for catfish and developed a well-balanced feed formula for catfish.

Here's a cute catfish cartoon on ad for 2012
New York, NY - Mississippi Picnic -

The first New York Mississippi Picnic took place in 1979, when a small group of native Mississippians living in New York had a strong desire to improve the perceptions of both regions in regard to one another. “I felt that people in New York had negative ideas about people from Mississippi, and people from outside New York had a terrible image of Central Park,” says Rachel McPherson, one of the founders of the event.


*Farm- raised catfish is the largest aquaculture industry in the United States. ... *Arkansas, in 1963, was the first state to produce farm-raised catfish on a commercial level and Mississippi was not far behind when it began its production in 1965. 
*After 1970, rapid expansion of catfish production in the Mississippi Delta occurred, and Mississippi has led the catfish industry ever since. 
*Today, more freshwater aquaculture is found in the Mississippi Delta than in any other region of the United States. 
 *Fried catfish remains a favorite in Southern cuisine.